May 2022

New York Halfway Houses: The Empire State’s Answer to Addiction

Communities’ typical concerns about halfway houses usually stem from a fear of disruptive behavior, lowered property values, excess noise, or additional traffic. However, research shows that halfway houses do not disrupt their communities and have little impact. Halfway houses are less disciplined than inpatient rehab centers but slightly more regulated than sober homes. To be …

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How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System? Blood, Urine & Saliva

These include stroke, heart disease, convulsions, and severe tooth decay. Adderall can be detected through an immunoassay or gas chromatography test for anywhere from 24 to 96 hours after your last use. These are average detection times for Adderall that can vary based on biological, genetic, and personal factors. The confirmation test, called liquid …

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